Frequently asked questions and help

1) I forgot my password.

Please follow the password recovery procedure (the link is available on the login page). Note: you can only recover your password if you have activated your account (refer to no. 2). Otherwise, you will need to perform a new registration.

2) Login is unsuccessful.

To complete the registration process, you need to activate your account by clicking the HTML link which was sent to you by e-mail upon registration. The account must be activated within 72 hours of the e-mail receipt. If this is not the case, you will need to register again (you may type in the e-mail address and username you used at the beginning of the process). The authentication methods, depending on the application, are three:

a) Login with USERID and Password

The user is required to enter the credentials defined during self-registration phase. In case of loss of password, the "username recovery" (See FAQ 10) and "password recovery" functions are available on the login page (See FAQ 1). You can send a request for direct assistance to the email address

b) Access via CNS (smart card for accessing public administration online services)

The CNS must be inserted into the reader before opening the browser and accessing the site and must be correctly recognized by the browser. To verify the correct recognition of the CNS, it is necessary to ascertain the presence of the certificate in the browser used. As an example:
  • for Internet Explorer version 11 go to Tools button> Internet options, click on Content tab and then on Certificates button> Personal certificates tab and check the presence of your certificate;
  • for Firefox version 56.0.1 go to Options to search for Certificates using the search field (at the top of the page of the General panel section> View Certificates, in Your Certificates check the presence of your certificate.

c) Access via SPID (Public system for accessing administration online services)

After selecting your Identity Provider enter the first level credentials - user and password - and the OTP sent, via SMS, to the mobile number indicated when defining the identity. You can send a request for direct assistance to the email address indicating in the subject the application name for which you are authenticating. If you can not pass the SPID authentication phase, please consult the information material of your Identity Provider. The page supplies the list of all the Identity Providers and following the item "More information" the operating manual and the user guide are available.

3) I am not able to complete the registration because the system reports that the e-mail is already in use.

Your e-mail has already been used to register credentials to access other applications (eg INFOSTAT, INFOSTAT-UIF, etc.). In this case, you have to register with a different e-mail. If it is not possible to use another e-mail or alias, it is suggested to access the application for which you are already registered with the relevant access credentials and, from the user profile, change the e-mail address with another valid one. Then you can register the new credentials.

4) I cannot confirm my user registration.

If you waited over 72 hours to activate your account, you must repeat the registration procedure (refer to no. 2). Occasionally, activation may fail even when performed within 72 hours: this happens when the e-mail client modifies the link sent by the application and thus makes it invalid. In this case, you can complete the registration process by copying the link text and pasting it directly into your browser’s address bar.

5) What kinds of user names are allowed?

You may define your user name using an identifier starting with three alphabetic characters and the subsequent alphanumeric characters. You may also use blank spaces within your user name, but spaces and special characters are not allowed at the end of your user name.

6) I did not receive an activation e-mail (to confirm my registration)

Please check that your mailbox has not exceeded the maximum allowed size and that the e-mail hasn’t been automatically filtered out by an anti-spam or anti-phishing tool. In the case check the anti-spam folder of your mailbox.Please check your e-mail address. Italian Certified PEC email not allowed.

7) I am afraid I have typed in a wrong e-mail address upon registration.

Please register again entering the correct address.

8) The connection is lost after some time.

When you log in, the application opens a session, you are identified and can operate with the system. Inactivity (30 minutes) will cause your session to expire, so you will need to log in again. Some browsers (like Internet Explorer) automatically reopen the login page, while some others (e.g. Firefox) display a message of this kind: “Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete”. In the latter case, we suggest closing and relaunching your browser, then perform a new login.

9) How do I change the application language?

Please use your browser’s settings to select the language you prefer. At the moment, the system supports English (en) and Italian (it).

10) I forgot my username.

Please follow the username recovery procedure (the link is available on the login page). Note: you can only recover your username if you have entered a valid email addres into your profile information and if you've previously defined your challenge recovery question. If you are a GAIA user your username is the Individual Code on your pay sheet.

11) None of the above FAQ is applicable

Please send an e-mail to specifying in the subject the application you are trying to access.